12.000 Trees Planted by Bankers in the Patos-Marinza Area

About 12.000 plants and trees have been planted surrounding 7 villages in the Patos-Marinza area to improve the environment. The project is launched by the Zharreza Environmental Association with the support of Bankers Petroleum Albania.
The project that is supported by Bankers, has started on August 2019, aiming to raise a green belt in the oilfield area to minimize the dust created from the movement of the oil trucks, but also by the private vehicles.
Bankers remains increasingly focused on improving the environment, not only through such projects but also through maintaining the international standards during the exploration and development operations of the Patos-Marinza oilfield.
During 17 years of activity in Albania, Bankers has significantly improved the environment in the area where it operates, through the rehabilitation of old inherited wells, projects for construction of the oil pipelines, treatment of gases and other elements released during the production process.