Our Values

Bankers’ Core Values – The Foundation for Success
Bankers aim to be the top of its class in Albania by establishing high standards and core values. Guided
by our values of integrity, innovation, social responsibility and investment, we work hard to earn the
high regard of our partners.

We demand integrity and personal accountability at every level of the company with an unwavering
commitment to safety and environmental stewardship. We respect the dignity, rights and cultural
diversity of our global industry.

We promote innovation that improves processes and results. Setting high standards for everyone who
works at Bankers, we reward top performance and ingenuity

Social Responsibility
We endeavor to create a clean, safe and healthy workplace and environment. All aspects of our business
are managed in a safe and environmentally responsible manner in accordance with statutory

We strategically invest in our assets and in our employees to ensure they have every opportunity to
grow professionally and excel.

Bankers advocates an open, fair and just corporate culture and is committed to providing a positive and healthy working environment and development conditions for all employees. In order to expand the reporting channels, and improve the efficiency of reporting mechanism, we decided to create a reporting mailbox in the following address: Inreport@bankerspetroleum.comWe encourage all stakeholders to actively report all misconducts that Bankers employees violate
business ethics and relevant laws and regulations of Albania, including but not limited to: theft,
corruption, extortion of bribes, and acceptance of bribes, intentional damage to public property,
and slandering companies.

Kind Reminder: The information reported and the informant will be treated in strict confidence.
The email address Inreport@bankerspetroleum.com only owned by Mr. Yifan Jin, Deputy
Director HR; no one else in the Company have the right to view the email address. Please feel
free to submit report of any irregularities or concern.