The residents of the village of Zharrëz in the Municipality of Patos will soon have modern infrastructure. A new road connecting the villages of Sheqishte and Fshati i Ri will be built to facilitate the daily life of more than 1000 families living in this area.
The project will be financed by the oil production company Bankers Petroleum Albania as part of its program dedicated to community investments.
General Manager of Bankers, Mr. Huanqin Xiao said:
“I am very happy that today we are inaugurating another important project for the residents of Zharreza. The reconstruction of this road has been a constant request of the residents but also of the Municipality of Pato, and for this reason we decided to finance 100 thousand dollars for this important project.
Over the years, Bankers has shown that we are here not only for hydrocarbon operations, but first for the people of this area and Albania in general. Many of the roads, schools, health clinics here in Patos have been funded by us and we are very proud to have improved the lives of these people. I can confirm that we will continue to do this in the future, because Bankers considers itself a part of this community and this country and also a partner of Albania”.
Currently, the road is in a very bad condition, it has a bituminous layer but is very damped. The problem remains the bad infrastructure, lack of sidewalks, lack of lighting, etc. This project is also important for the community of the area because it is the connecting road between the village of Zharrez and the cemetery.
The Deputy Mayor of Patos Municipality said that the new road will offer a modern infrastructure and will be ready in 4 months.
“The new road will also reduce pollution in the area and significantly improve the environment. This project is a joint investment between Bankers and the Municipality of Patos, the total cost of which is calculated around 300 thousand dollars.
Bankers Petroleum Albania has invested more than 7.5 million dollars in community projects over the years focusing on infrastructure, schools and kindergartens, health clinics and also tree planting”.
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