Dozens of employees of the company “Bankers Petroleum Albania” have donated blood today to help children suffering from thalassemia. The company has responded to the call of the Albanian Red Cross to donate blood voluntarily, an important life-saving act.
The CEO of Bankers, Mr. Qing Fang, together with the Deputy Director for Petroleum Exploration Development, Mr. Luntao Chen, and a group of other executives and employees of the company have donated blood to help these children.
“Thalassemia is a disease that accompanies the affected people throughout their life and requires constant blood transfusions. We are a company with high sensitivity in terms of social responsibility. We have supported this initiative of the Red Cross as we can improve the lives of people with thalassemia. I am very grateful to our employees who have donated blood today and we will continue to contribute to such initiatives that help and support the community “said the CEO of Bankers, Mr. Fang.
According to the Transfusion Doctor, Endrit Susaj, in Albania there are over 600 patients with thalassemia, who need to have a blood transfusion every three weeks, and over 80 units of blood are needed. Meanwhile, a large number of these patients are children of different ages.
The Head of the Blood Bank in Lushnja, Dr. Endrit Susaj, thanked all the employees of Bankers Petroleum Albania, who joined this important initiative and called on citizens to voluntarily contribute as much possible as they can to save the lives of the thalassemia children.
“Bankers Petroleum employees have responded very positively to our call to donate blood to help children with thalassemia. We thank them, for the organization of this donation session made by Bankers Petroleum in cooperation with the Albanian Red Cross to help the thalassemia children. We also call on all citizens, who have the opportunity to help, to donate blood in helping these children. It doesn’t cost anything to them, on contrary, blood donation helps their health and makes it possible for these children to have a normal life. Summer is an extremely difficult period, as most of the institutions have shortages of staff because they are on vacation, therefore missing of blood is much higher. Besides that, we should take into account also the number of accident cases. That means, besides the need for blood for chronic patients with thalassemia, we are in need of blood even to cover various accidents” said Dr. Susaj.
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