The children from the villages of Frashër, Verbas and Sheqishtë in the district of Fier, have started the new school year in reconstructed facilities. 9-year school “Koli Dimo” in Frashër, Patos counts a total of 206 students who attend the 9-year cycle.
The rehabilitation of the facilities of this school was made possible thanks to an investment of 100 thousand dollars of the oil extraction company, Bankers Petroleum Albania.
For years now Bankers has developed a community investment program that spans in many sectors, such as roads, schools, hospitals and waterworks.
Over 200 students of “Koli Dimo” school now have the possibility to study learn in very good and safer conditions. Reconstruction works went on for about four months, where the roof was rebuilt, the facade was reconstructed, as well as all the doors and windows.
This school is the fifth in Fier Region where Bankers has invested. The focus of the company remains the younger generations and because of this priority a large part of the investments have been concentrated to educational institutions. Schools have an extraordinary role for the long-term development of the country, human resources and young people who will help to achieve welfare and prosperity in the future.
In total, Bankers Petroleum Albania has invested over 7 Million dollars in community projects, mainly with public impact, such as in schools, health centers and hospitals, roads, sewers and water supply. The company ‘s management confirmed that the community engagement will never stop, and will also continue in cooperation with the local governments and the central government.
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